Done and dusted – the year 2021.

A very difficult and heartbreaking year all over the world. I thank God that my family is still safe, although family and friends were sick from Covid. My husband and I are thankful that we both did not have Covid at all.

Covid has hit us hard (not only us, but all over the world as well), as my husband has lost his job in August 2021. To date he has not found any employment, he is keeping himself busy with odd jobs.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that Di van Niekerk’s prices are linked to the USD currency, therefore the price you see here on this site, is not the final price. When you make an order, please make provision for the currency changes. You will be issued with an invoice with a final amount which may differ from the initial invoice. You will make a payment on the final invoice.

Best wishes to all my customers, family and friends, may God guide us through 2022 with His love.