I had to take the very hard decision to close this website down due to numerous hackings and pornographic issues. I have taken steps to report the hackers as I cannot continue with the site as is. It did not matter how many steps we have taken to ensure the site to be safe, it… Continue reading “End of the road 2024”
It is a very difficult year all over the world. Here in South Africa we are battling with load shedding (no power), in some (most) areas for up to 8 hours per day, we have water issues due to no maintenance on infrastructure. This last week we had a massive storm in North West and… Continue reading “Still in 2023”
What a heartbreaking few days in the lives of the Kwa-Zulu Natal residents, especially those on the beach fronts on the south and north coasts. The province experienced extremely bad weather with heavy rains, vehicles were swept away in the water, houses and roads collapsed, people were killed and some are reported missing, outcome still… Continue reading “KZN 2022”
Done and dusted – the year 2021. A very difficult and heartbreaking year all over the world. I thank God that my family is still safe, although family and friends were sick from Covid. My husband and I are thankful that we both did not have Covid at all. Covid has hit us hard (not… Continue reading “2022”
My code of conduct: Lap en Lint Borduurgenot CC has been in business since 2007. I am a dedicated and responsible business owner and believe that my commitment to fair dealing, ethical conduct, honesty and integrity will ensure that your experience with Lap en Lint Borduurgenot is a positive one. It is my intention, as… Continue reading “Privacy Policy”
Please note that we are currently experiencing issues with the updating of prices on some of our products. Kindly email lapenlintborduurgenot@gmai.com for the correct prices.
Om my word, what a year!! Today is the last day of 2020 and I pray our Father in Heaven will keep us under His wings in 2021. The Covid-19 took a lot out of everyone with being in lockdown for months on end. In South Africa we have moved back to level 2 due… Continue reading “Seasons greetings 2020”

No, not really, it is just that we had a few heat waves here in South Africa (I’m in Pretoria) and then we switched back to cold days with 4 days of raining/drizzling, expecting to continue for a few more days. I’m not complaining although it is cold, I love rainy weather. I have been… Continue reading “Back to winter?”
Hallo friends, we have updated our website to a new face for 2019. Although we are still fine-tuning some elements, the shop is up and running and I have added some new haberdashery items to the shop in the last two weeks: needles, hoops and doll hair. Come have a look inside, click here to… Continue reading “Our brand new website”