Back to winter?
No, not really, it is just that we had a few heat waves here in South Africa (I’m in Pretoria) and then we switched back to cold days with 4 days of raining/drizzling, expecting to continue for a few more days. I’m not complaining although it is cold, I love rainy weather.
I have been quite busy the last few weeks with Christmas gifts, especially reading pillows for children. I enjoy making these pillows. After the machine embroidery is completed, I sew the pillow casing and the fun in it is to sort through my stash of fabric and the use contrasting colors to complete the pillow. I will be taking a few days off, therefore I’m in a race to complete all the orders (and yes, I do that to myself sometimes … taking in last minute requests. I such a glutton for punishment!!)
I have not been doing ribbon embroidery for quite a while now, my attention is on cross stitching (as well as machine embroidery). I was stitching a ballerina and got so fed up with all the green/brown background that I was looking to start something else and keep the 2 pieces in rotation. As I said, I’m a glutton for punishment because my son wants a ship to be cross stitched and he chose the HMS Victoria from Artecy. Why am I the glutton? most of the design consist of pale yellows, browns, and pinks with the ship and waves in dark browns. Yeah, glutton as I’m now also getting tired of all these boring colors. I need something with lots of colors, but since I’m a little obsessive in this regard, I will not start a third project before these 2 are completed (oh, do you feel my suffering?? LOL).
Well, this is Christmas season and I wish you all a merry Christmas full of love and peace (to be continued in the new year) and a Happy 2020.